MacWorld 1999 July
Macworld (1999-07).dmg
Serious Software
IconaRanger demo
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What is the IconaRanger?
Did you ever insert a CD and watch an image automatically appear on your
screen? Well, the "image" that appears is an array of individual file icons
assembled like a puzzle. That's pretty hard to do by hand. But the
IconaRanger makes the job easy. All you do is create the images that you want
to appear and then the IconaRanger program automatically transforms the images
into an array of Finder icons.
Unlike shareware offerings, the IconaRanger creates windows of multiple
color depths: black and white, 16 color, 256 color, and millions of colors
(for OS 8.5 and newer systems). Since the IconaRanger supports multiple color
depths, the same CD mounted on older Macs (and sytems supporting less than 256
colors) will also look good.
The IconaRanger was created "in house" at Leister Productions, Inc., in
November 1998 in order to provide attractive opening images for our new
Reunion 6 CD.
System Requirements
• System Software version 7.5 or newer. OS 8.5 is not required to create
32-bit images, however only OS 8.5 and newer will display these images.
• 68030 processor or better.
• 2 MB of free RAM.
• Image editing software such as Color It! or PhotoShop is required to create
image files in the PICT file format.
1. Using your favorite painting program, create a 32 bit color image and save
it as a PICT file in a new folder.
Since the PICT file will be converted to an array of icons (each icon is
32x32 pixels) you can make the best use of the icon space by making the
height and width of your image multiples of 32. For example, 320 by 160.
2. Using the painting program, convert and save the same image to 8, 4, and 1
bit-color versions.
Name each PICT file so that it will be easy to remember the color depth of
each image. For example: "My Picture (256 Color)"
When creating 256 and 16 color images, be sure that you are using the
"System" color palette. Otherwise these images will look "blurry" when displayed.
The Black & White image is optional, however, if you do not create one,
IconaRanger will create one for you by converting another image file to Black
& White. For best results create your own Black & White image.
3. Start the IconaRanger program.
4. Create an IconaRanger project by choosing File -> New.
5. Decide what operating systems you would like to support.
* All - Use this option if you would like OS 8.5 users to see a nice "Millions
of Colors" image, and users of older systems to see a 256, 16, or black and
white image. This option is recommended (but uses the most disk space).
* Before OS 8.5 - This option doesn't support "Millions of Colors" images.
Since OS 8.5 is backward compatible with older systems, IconaRanger images
made with this option will appear correctly on all systems old and new, but
will be limited to 256-color depth. You may also want to use this option if
you do not require "Millions of Colors" support but you would like to support
all systems. This option uses the least amount of disk space.
* 8.5 and Above - Use this option if you never want to support systems older
than 8.5. IconaRanger images made with this option will not appear on systems
older than 8.5. This option will also use minimal disk space. Images will
display quicker than images made using the above option.
6. Choose the image files. Click the "Choose..." button to assign your images
to their respective color modes.
7. Build the Image. Click "Build..." and specify the name for a new folder.
The created image will be placed in this empty folder. Double-clicking the
folder, in the Finder, will display the image in the window.
• If you will be using more than one image file to support multiple color
depths, make sure the images all have the same width and height.
• You do not need to create a mask file. IconaRanger will create a solid mask
to match your images. Only create a mask image if you wish to have a custom
• Option-click a Choose button to remove a file and uncheck its respective
check-box button.
• When you open an existing project, IconaRanger will check to make sure all
the selected image files are present and valid PICT files. If any problems
are found, a red message will appear after the file name.
• When copying image folders from one volume (Disk/Drive) to another you may
discover that the Macintosh operating system has decided to "Clean Up" your
icons for you thereby distorting your image. There are two ways to handle
-1. either have the IconaRanger build the image on the desired destination
volume or...
-2. use a compression program, like Stuffit, and compress an archive of the
image on the destination volume.
Window images will not become distorted when moving from one folder to
another on the same volume.
What is the "First File Name" option?
IconaRanger can create multiple images that can coexist in the same folder.
Each icon created by the IconaRanger must have a unique invisible name. This
unique name is drawn from a bank of thousands of invisible file names. If you
want to place two or more images in the same folder you must instruct
IconaRanger to draw from different indexes within the bank. This is where the
"First File Name" option comes into play.
If, for example, you have created one image that contains 120 icons and you
want to place a second image in that folder, you should create the second
image with a First File Name of 150. This will skip the first 150 file names
in the bank and ensure that this new image will not have any names in common
with the first image and thus allow both images to exist in the same folder.
What does it cost? Where can I buy it?
You may order IconaRanger directly from Leister Productions for $39.95. Upon
receipt of payment, we will e-mail the complete package to you.
We accept orders by phone, mail, e-mail, or fax. Payment must accompany your
order. Approved payment methods are VISA/MasterCard (include expiration date),
a personal check, or money order payable to Leister Productions.
By purchasing the full version of IconaRanger, you are free to create images
for Macintosh volumes, such as CDs and CDRs, for private and/or comercial use
without limitation.
How to contact us:
Phone: 717-697-1378, 12 Noon to 5 PM, EST, Monday - Friday
Fax: 717-697-4373
Web Site: www.LeisterPro.com
Technical Support: help@LeisterPro.com
Information: info@LeisterPro.com
Sales: sales@LeisterPro.com
Mailing Address: PO Box 289, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 USA
©1999, Leister Productions, Inc.
This document was revised 5/3/99.
IconaRanger is a trademark of Leister Productions, Inc.